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Observing National Crime Victims’ Rights Week 2024

Montoya, Lucero & Pastor, P.A. Stands With Survivors

Every April, the United States observes National Crime Victims' Rights Week (NCVRW). This important annual event, established in 1981, serves a multifaceted purpose. It honors victims and survivors of crime, recognizes the professionals and volunteers who provide vital services, and raises awareness about the rights and resources available to those impacted by criminal acts.

The theme for NCVRW 2024, "How would you help? Options, services, and hope for crime survivors," underscores the collective responsibility we all share in supporting individuals who have experienced the trauma of crime. This observance and theme are particularly relevant to our firm and the work we do; as a part of our mission, we act as allies to our clients, many of whom are personal injury victims, many of whom have suffered as a result of criminal activity.

A Collective Effort: We All Can Play a Part in Supporting Crime Victims

This year's NCVRW theme, "How would you help?" serves as a call to action for all of us. There are many ways you can show your support for victims and survivors:

  • Educate yourself. Learn more about victims' rights and the resources available in your community.
  • Believe victims. When someone discloses they have been the victim of a crime, listen without judgment and offer your support.
  • Advocate for change. Support legislation and policies that promote victims' rights and improve the justice system for all.

Helping Crime Victims Pursue Justice & Compensation

Our firm believes in the power of legal advocacy, education, and community support to make a meaningful difference in the lives of those affected by crime, and we understand the devastating physical, emotional, and financial impact that crimes can have on victims.

We represent survivors in a wide range of personal injury cases stemming from criminal acts, including:

  • Police misconduct casesWhen law enforcement officers violate their oath to protect and serve and cause physical or emotional injuries, victims deserve compensation. We offer counsel to clients who have been subjected to excessive force, unlawful arrest or detention, or other misconduct by police officers.
  • Sexual abuse cases. We empower survivors to seek justice through legal action against perpetrators and potentially negligent institutions.
  • DUI car accident claims. Drunk driving is a crime that tragically leads to countless injuries and fatalities. If a person is injured or killed in an auto accident, we help hold the drunk driver accountable and fight for the compensation needed for medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

This is not an exhaustive list, as there are many other ways in which crimes can lead to personal injury. Regardless of the specific circumstances, our team is committed to offering our clients:

  • Compassionate and understanding legal counsel. We recognize the sensitivity of these cases and provide our clients with a supportive and understanding environment.
  • Experienced and aggressive advocacy. Our attorneys are skilled professionals with over 100 years of collective experience.
  • Client-centered, transparent counsel. We believe in open communication and keep our clients informed throughout each phase of their case.


Learn more about how our firm can help you by calling (602) 483-6869.